Sumarnóttin umhverfis sumarbústaðinn

Dagana 6.-13. júlí vorum við hjónin í sumarbústað skammt frá Háskólanum að Bifröst í Borgarfirði. Var þá ýmislegt hljóðritað og margvíslegar tilraunir gerðar.

Aðfaranótt fimmtudagsins 12. júlí setti ég tvo Røde NT-1A út á pallinn, sem er umhverfis húsið. Voru þeir í AB-uppsetningu með u.þ.b. 45 cm millibili.

Fuglasöngurinn var fjarlægur, en þessir næmu hljóðnemar námu hann ásamt braki í pallinum, vatnsrennsli í hitakerfi hússins. Sitthvað fleira námu hljóðnemarnir í sumarnóttinni, sem er aldrei hljóð, ef grannt er eftir hlustað.

Hljóðritið hófst þegar klukkan var 12 mínútur gengin í þrjú eftir miðnætti. Um klukkustund síðar höfðu fuglarnir hætt sér nær, en þá brugðust hljóðnemarnir vegna raka eins og lýst er í síðustu færslu.


The summernight around the summerhouse


I and my wife rented a summerhouse in Borgarfjörður, Iceland, quite close to the University of Birföst. during our stay there from July 6-13, I made some experiments with different setups of microphones.


the night before July 12 I placed 2 Røde NT-1A on the veranda around the house facing to the south. They were about 8 m from the wooden house. I took my Nagra Ares BB+ outside at around 1:30 am. The temperature was around 5° and the dead cats, covering the mics, a little cold, but dry. The birds were quite distant, but at around 03:30 they came closer. Then the mics had stopped working normally due to the dew, as explained in my last blog.


The recording, which is attached to the blog, started at around 02:12. Some redwings and probably wagtails and wrens are heard as well as some other birds. In the beginning the special sound of the ptarmigan is quite clear.


The veranda and the wooden house is clattering and the running water of the central heating is also heard as well as other sounds, which are not explained. The summernight is not quiet, but mysterious.

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