Stundarkorn á Seltjarnarnesi - A short while at Seltjarnarnes

Það er jafnan endurnærandi að ganga hring um Seltjarnarnesið. Á sumrin er fuglalíf mikið og nú er krían í essinu sínu.

Fimmtudaginn 7. júlí var norðvestan stinningsgola en hlýtt. Ég nam staðar syðst og vestast til þess að fanga örstutta mynd af hljóðheiminum. Þar má m.a. greina stelk, æðarfugl og kríu. Einnig ganga nokkrir vegfarendur framhjá.

Notaður var Olympus LS-11 hljóðriti sem skýlt var með litlum svömpum og dauðum kettlingi frá Røde. Hljóðritið er 24 bita og 44,1 kílórið. Niðurhalið getur því tekið nokkrar sekúndur.


In English

It is always refreshing to take a walk along the hiking trail around the Seltjarnarnes area west of Reykjavik. The birdlife is rich during the summer time. The arctic tern is quite common and the sound of the eiderducks and the chicks revives one's best feelings.

At around 11 pm on July 7 2016 there was moderate breeze from north-west. I decided to catch some of the environmental sounds. Some pedestrians and people biking can be heard as well as a nervous redshank.


The recorder was an Olympus LS-11. The mics were covered by small foamshields and a dead kitten from Røde.

The recording is 24 bits, 44,1 kHz. The download might therefore be a little slow.


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