Haglél 21. desember 2017 - A snowstorm Dec. 21 2017

Fimmtudaginn 21. desember 2017 gekk á með éljum. Tækifærið var notað um kl. 14:30 og reynt að fanga hljóðið.

Þessi meðferð á litlum hljóðritum er varla samkvæmt ráðleggingum framleiðenda. Notaður var áfestur MS-hljóðnemi með loðhlíf frá Rycote og vindhlíf frá Sennheiser.


In English

The Thursday December 21 2017 was rather a windy one in Seltjararnes in the Reykjavik area. At around 14:30 we had some snowstorms. The Zoom H6 was taken out for recording. I have to admit that this treatment of the recorder is not something supposed by the producer.

An MS-microphone, attached to the device, was protected by a fury windshield from Rycote and an extra foam windshield from Sennheiser.

Good headphones recommended.


Þessi meðferð á litlum hljóðritum er varla samkvæmt ráðleggingum ramleiðenda. Notaður var áfestur MS-hljóðnemi með loðhlíf frá Rycote og vindhlíf frá Sennheiser.


In English

The Thursday December 21 2017 was rather a windy one in Seltjararnes in the Reykjavik area. At around 14:30 we had some snowstorms. The Zoom H6 was taken out for recording. I have to admit that this treatment of the recorder is not something supposed by the producer.

An MS-microphone, attached to the device, was protected by a fury windshield from Rycote and an extra foam windshield from Sennheiser.

Good headphones recommended.


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